worse - significado y definición. Qué es worse
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Qué (quién) es worse - definición

Draft:Worse; Worse (disambiguation)
adj. any worse (will it be any worse living in the city?)
Draft:Worse; Worse (disambiguation)
·noun Loss; disadvantage; defeat.
II. Worse ·adj In a worse degree; in a manner more evil or bad.
III. Worse ·noun That which is worse; something less good; as, think not the worse of him for his enterprise.
IV. Worse ·vt To make worse; to put disadvantage; to Discomfit; to worst. ·see Worst, v.
V. Worse (·comp) Bad, ill, evil, or corrupt, in a greater degree; more bad or evil; less good; specifically, in poorer health; more sick;
- used both in a physical and moral sense.
Draft:Worse; Worse (disambiguation)
¦ adjective
1. of poorer quality or lower standard.
more serious, severe, or evil.
2. more ill or unhappy.
¦ adverb
1. less well.
2. more seriously or severely.
¦ noun a worse event or circumstance.
?(the worse) a worse condition.
none the worse for not adversely affected by.
or worse or as an even worse unspecified alternative.
the worse for drink rather drunk.
the worse for wear informal
1. worn.
2. feeling rather unwell, especially as a result of drinking too much alcohol.
worse off less fortunate or prosperous.
OE wyrsa, wiersa (adjective), wiers (adverb), of Gmc origin; related to war.


Worse may refer to:
Ejemplos de pronunciación para worse
1. was worse, and worse, and worse.
Flow and Interaction _ Mark Anderson _ Talks at Google
2. that got worse and worse and worse and worse.
3. And it became worse and worse and worse and worse.
Alamo Drafthouse _ Tim League _ Talks at Google
4. goes worse and worse.
Work with Me - The Blind Spots Between Men and Women in Business _ John Gray _ Talks at Google
5. worse.
Mindful Positive Discipline _ Danielle Seybold + More _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de worse
1. "Then it just kept getting worse and worse and worse." He pointed to stone shambles.
2. Unless Ross is challenged he will get worse and worse.
3. It will get worse, possibly much worse," he predicted.
4. "It gets worse and worse, there are so many cars.
5. "After his death, our situation got worse and worse.